Relax …. China’s slowdown fears are EXAGGERATED!

Is China crumbling? Really?

Love thy stocks!


China has recently been in the news for all the wrong reasons. When you Google to read about China, several news pieces talking about severe deflation and an equally serious slowdown mar the image of an otherwise prosperous, globally leading and an aggressive nation (which one has  in mind) while searching. Many are already calling it a “ticking bomb” with rumors afloat that the super-rich are either fleeing the country or trying to take their money out from the Chinese market and investing heavily in other lucrative property destinations such as Australia, USA, Spain and the rest, and in turn fueling the slowdown fears. With an unprecedented growth record over the past three decades, the world’s second largest economy, China, is said to be facing a serious “slowdown.” This ‘said’ slowdown is being touted as to having the potential to even disturb the economic order of the world…

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